Where Are My Children Welcome? Here!

At Hunter Presbyterian Church, children are welcome in the sanctuary during both the 8:45 and 11 a.m. worship services. Our congregation is aware that children like to move and ask questions. It doesn’t bother us. We warmly invite you to feel comfortable parenting your children throughout the worship process. If you prefer, we do have worship bags filled with crayons, stickers, and books, and they are available on the right side of the sanctuary, near the front. We also have children’s bulletins, which are available at each entrance to the sanctuary.

Below, please see descriptions of our programs for youth. But, please ask us if you have more questions. Would you like to learn about Sunday School? Vacation Bible School? Mission projects? Please feel free to ask an usher, the pastor, or even the person closest to you on the pew. We are all friends in this community and would be happy to help you find the answers you need.

Youth Christian Education

Do you enjoy spending time with children, but don’t feel that you have the time to prepare a lesson plan? Are you 18 years old or over? Come and join the Christian Ed Committee.  We are always looking for volunteers!

Nursery: Infants & Toddlers

Hunter Presbyterian Church is equipped with a safe and engaging nursery space for infants and toddlers. The Nursery is located off the hallway near the front of the sanctuary. (Ushers are available to assist.)

Adult Discussion Groups


Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m.

The Alternatives class, led by Carol Hulse, meets Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. to catch up on our past week. Class begins at 9:45 a.m.  We are first and foremost a discussion class. We intermix contemporary books and videos.  You are welcome to read the books we are using, but it is never required. Sometimes our topics do not seem “church-like,” but we feel that God is in everything, so we can talk about anything.

The Theology Seminar

9:30-10:30 a.m. Sunday mornings

This is an adult discussion and reading class led by Randy Daniel. Participants choose topics and books for study and reflection.

Night Circle

Do you need spiritual refreshment? Come to the Night Circle oasis!  Every month, enjoy the fellowship and lively, thoughtful discussion. Contact Cathy Martin for more information, and look for us on the church calendar.


As befits a congregation that loves to read, Hunter has a gem of a library. Whether you are looking for deep philosophy or thoughtful fiction, you can find carefully selected books here. The largest section features books for spiritual formation and personal devotions. Many Christian denominations and other world religions are well represented, including a section on Presbyterian life and history. There is a small fiction section and a biography section. A reference section includes books on biblical study and theology. The latest issues of the magazines Presbyterian LifeOutlookChristian Century, and Horizons, are on display and can be borrowed. Back issues are available for research or program development.

Located on one of the hallways leading to the sanctuary, the library can be seen and accessed by all. An uncatalogued children’s collection is located in the third floor Sunday school classroom area.

Hunter Presbyterian Church began its library in 1953 with fourteen books and has grown to include more than 5,000. Fortunately, at least two professional librarians, members of the congregation, have served as Hunter’s librarians so the library was created along the lines of traditional public lending libraries using the Dewey Decimal system and cataloging all new acquisitions in a card catalog. The library focuses on writing on religion with new titles added every year through donation or purchase through a memorial fund.

New additions to the library are publicized in the Horn newsletter as they are added to the collection. The library also has a put-and-take section for books that are given by congregation members to be shared but not added to the permanent collection.

If you have any questions about the library, get in touch with Suzi Kifer.





(859) 277-5126

Monday – Friday
9 a.m. – noon.

Lynn Davis
Administrative Assistant